I am a 33 y/o male with a degree in biotechnology.
Here are a bunch of my interests:
Wolves are my favorite animals.
I am a furry and my fursona is a wolf named Wulfgar. I enjoy going to fur-cons and meeting awesome people. Some people might find furries "weird," but the Furry Community is full of loving, kind, and accepting people who are welcoming to everyone. I am also an artist who loves drawing and working on my art. If you are interested, you can check out my art: https://fuzzwolves.wixsite.com/home https://Deviantart.com/rgfuzzwolf https://tumblr.com/blog/fuzzwolvesart
I love Pokémon and enjoy playing Pokémon GO as well as the main series games.
I also love gadgets and technology and I like to tinker with my gadgets and love to play around with them. I love working with technology as it can be really fun and worthwhile as I get the satisfaction of getting a broken device working again. I am also into British OO scale model railroading, which is a little bit unusual in the US, but I think my British trains are pretty cool. During the pandemic I have constructed a big model railway layout in my garage which is really awesome and has been very fun to work on! You can see my trains at my Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RGFuzzwolfsTrains