I am a lover of cute things! I play lots of pokemon (have played at least 1 game from every generation, and that includes mystery dungeons amd snaps and shuffles) and i also have about 1000 of the tcg cards. (Maybe even more haha, its been a while since ive officially counted them) I also play a lot of rpg games, like final fantasy, (currently working ong the tcg for that one), fire emblem (i guess if you count legend of zelda that too) I also have so many farming games its crazy. Harvest moon, story of seasons, stardew valley, so on. Alright, now i do have to be specific about this one because its the only one that i liked the spin offs more than the origional games. Dragon quest. I attemtped dragon quest 1 as a 17 year old, and i still could not figure out how to get out of the stupid hecking castle. So now i hate that game. (My brother pointed out how later and i was like "well im an idiot" so dont worry, i know how stupid it sounds too) the only one i even liked at all was 11, and i got stuck at the stupid squid because i guess my dudes werent high enough of a level but okay. Then i found dragon quest builders 1 and 2 and OMG they saved the series for me. Its literally minecraft but all the monsters of dragon quest. I freaking love it. (Of course, 2 is a little more dear to my heart because malroth is so freaking adoreable!!) I LOVE books. Brandon sanderson, brandon mull, jessica day george, shannon hale. Best authors that i know of. I hate harry potter, please do not shoot me, but I was exposed to it the wrong way, and now cant get myself to like it. (Yes i have read the books) i also, have been getting into manga. I make a monthly trip to barnes and noble where i have a freaking membership because i buy like $100 worth of books at every visit. And most of it is akatsuki no yona. I freaking love that manga. (They f'd up in the anime tho so im not as happy with the anime, but the manga is still amazing.) Sword art online, also great. I found that anime first so im a little more endeared to the anime, but the manga still rocks. Seven deadly sins. Havent read the manga yet, working on it, but anime was amazing (WORST ENDING EVER) My hero acadamia. (MHA) so amazing. Love it. Will always adore. Not as much as dear sweet yona but its up there. Noragami. Wish they made more. 2nd fav. Inuyasha was one i really loved as a teen, am starting to just like it now, its falling out of favor because of how freaking long you have to watch "oh i love this girl but this other dead girl is dead so obviously i have to be even more obsessed with her even though shes just a soul thats traveling around making my life suck" like what the hell inuyasha! Pick a damn girl and move on! Sure your cute but not that hecking cute! Even hecking miroku the playboy of playboys is like "dude this is ridiculous." LIKE THIS DUDE HAS EFFING MEMES ABOUT HOW MUCH OF A SCUM HE IS AND EVEN HE KNOWS YOU SUCK! Moving on. Just started getting into marvel. (Really late, i know, sue me) I love wanda. Shes who i want to be so bad. Shes so strong and amazing and everyone thinks i am wrong when i say shes the best but i dont care. Shes who i love. Also really like black panther. That movie was made so freaking well, and chadwick did so good at portraying an absolute king and i just love it. I actually dont like captain america. Or thor. Or hulk. Idk they just never really were likable to me. Maybe its becauae i knew him first as the murderer ransom in knoves out but i just cant grt behind captain America. And thor was ruined by the hammer thing in endgame. Like, no one else should be able to use it. Especially not captain america. Im sorry, but no. (Also my food just got canceled so some of my anger is coming from my starvation) Okay i think thats enough. Im tired of typing plus now i have to find food. Bs that they cancel my order 5 minutes before it was supposed to get to me.