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Level 6


Hello there!

My name is Marlie, I’m 30 years old and I am currently on maternity leave from my job in mental healthcare. I work with a variety of people who work very hard to change their life around, which makes it a very rewarding job.

I live in a small town in the Netherlands with my boyfriend Rudi (34) or technically fiancé, I should say! And our daughter Evi (3) and Son Odin (1) and our youngest addition to our family is daughter Juna who was born december 13th of this year. Then there’s our cat Connie and some cannibal goldfish who do not take visitors very well. All in all quite a busy household, and I enjoy every minute of chaos that goes along with that!

I love gift Exchanges, mail Exchanges and everything in between. Since COVID hit I really upped my game by making gift packages for friends who had birthdays but no parties and friends who had kids but no visitors. I also love sending mail and making gifts with my kids. We’re at the point where my three year old will see a wrapped gift and her first question is ‘is that for us or to send?’ Oops! She also asks about sending drawings, paintings and cards to people regularly which I gladly go along with as I love crafting with them! We also enjoy going for walks, and building giant barns with those big LEGO blocks and animals. Where Evi Will build, and Odin will steal animals and just walk around with his stolen possesion making that animals sound.

I also love crafting by myself, although the ‘by myself’ time is limited with three of three and under. But I do start my cricut machine once every while mostly to make people personalised gifts. I also enjoy reading, but thats even harder to find the time to currently. I did always enjoy going bouldering, and going to the gym, but thats on hold for a bit after baby 3. My nights now consist of cuddling and feeding with a side of Netflix, which is quite amazing!

I’m very excited about gift Exchanges and hope to make Some fun gift boxes for people!