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Level 6

I'm 32 years old, female and live in Germany. I don't have any pets, I'm not very good with plants (I'm trying my best tho) and during the pandemic I lost the place I volunteered at for the last 11 years. I found a new place but I kinda feel out of place there.

I always struggle to treat myself so I like the idea of someone else doing that for me, that I don't need to argue with myself that it's unnecessary and I'm not worth it and so on. For me it's easier to give gifts to others.

Some things about me: -I can speak, read and write in German and English and I'm currently learning German Sign Language.
-I don't (and never did) smoke and I don't drink or eat anything that contains or tastes like alcohol.
-It'd be absolutely fine if you want to reuse wrapingpaper or old newspapers to wrap the gift(s).
-I prefer to read (or litsen to audio) books/fanfiction in English unless the original is in German.
-If a movie/series originally is in English I also prefer to watch it in English, otherwise German.
-I love rainbows and anything rainbow coloured, but of course that's no requirement for gifts for me. I love bright colours as well. (A little pet peeve of mine: rainbows don't have the colour pink in them but there is still sooo much merch with pink in rainbows.)
-Link to my game collection: (I need to update it!) -I love to read but at the moment it's almost exclusively fanfiction. If actual books, I prefer audio books since I can crochet or do other stuff while listening. I recently got back into crocheting but I'm not as good as I wish I was.
-Fandoms I like: Studio Ghibli, The Witcher, Teen Wolf, Harry Potter (but please don't buy anything officially HP, I don't want to support J.K.R), Outlander, Lord of the Rings and Hobbit (to a certain extent).
-I'm not religious or spiritual in any way so I don't celebrate any special holidays. I'm totally fine with and not offended by 'Merry Christmas' wishes and such. In the past I went to family dinners on Christmas Eve but I'm on no contact with my parents for a few years by now.
-I love to bake and like to cook, but both is more fun to do together with others and thus I rarely do so at the moment. -Cookbooks I owe: Studio Ghibli cookbook by Mila Brady; Das kleine Koch- und Backbuch für Potterheads by Tom Grimm; Das Blaue Kochbuch 54. Edition ;
-Snack wise I like cakes, pies, cookies but not gummies and such sweets. I like savory snacks like chips.
-I'm not a huge fan of stuff you can only look at, like figurines, decorations and such (paintings are okay), I like it when I can use art/beautyful things. For example I'm saving up money to buy a moon mug from Joel Cherrico and I'm willing to pay that much since it takes a long time and recources to make them and a lot of work goes into every single step. It's still art but art I can actually use. Not just another trinket that only collects dust.
-If you wanna gift me anything clothing-wise please only things made out of cotton, hemp, linen, canvas or other natural materials. No synthetics. Mixes up to 5% elasthane or the like (for stretch or something) are okay.
-In case of jewlery I prefer silver over gold (colour wise) as for material just nothing with nickel in it.

I've got no idea what else I should write. I hope it's enough to help you. If you got any more questions ask away. I hope everything works out and that I can make someone else a little happy. :)
Happy gifting 🥰

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