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We are currently running a drive for donations to support us for the next year. We are staffed entirely by volunteers and our revenue tends to be less than our expenses. Support us by donating or by purchasing premium.
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Level 3


Hi I'm Beth! My life is basically all about my pets and arts and crafts! I have 2 cats (Asali and Bean) and 1 dog (Wolfie) who's a service dog! I also have a share in a race horse named Maquina (so I technically have a horse too lol).

My life basically revolves around making things. I work in just about every medium under the sun. Sewing is my primary medium though. I specialize in making stuffed animals but I sew everything! I currently volunteer at a library in my free time mostly running craft programs for patrons! (Even though I'm not a huge fan of fiction books. I mostly like non fiction and learning how to do new things and make new things.)

I absolutely love secret gift exchanges! I really love finding someone just the right thing to surprise them with they'd never expect. And I love being surprised in the same way!

I have added a wishlist for those who prefer that, but I really like surprises more!

Shirt size is Medium. Favorite color is purple. Favorite shows currently are Bones and How I met your mother. Favorite movie is Lilo and stitch, a knights tale, and Mulan. Favorite book is The call of cthulhu. I collect build a bears and skeleton figures. Im really into high fantasy.