Not really sure what to put here so please ask me anything you have to ask :)
So ill tell about myself im a 27year old male ive had anxiety and depression for as long as i can remember. Im about 6’4 sadly tho on the really large side, i am on the weight list for weightloss surgery aswell :) I have my best friend max my dog (little jack russell) had him for now 7 years now i love nature but have a black thumb (cant keep plants alive) i enjoy walks in the bush away from people seeing the wildlife. I have always wanted to capture the smell of petrichor ( the smell of fresh rain on the dirt!) i want to collect silver to make jewelry for opals which i shape and polish thats most of my time :) I gold pan when i can, not this summer because of floods and mosquitoes everywhere sadly Im also trying to buy a good camera for photography buts its really hard to find a good one as covid has made money issues lol If you have any other questions then please ask! Im not sure if their is a feature to message