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Level 4


Hello gifter!

I'm an engineer from North Wales. I have a huge love of Star Wars (Andor was a work of art). I'm also a big gamer, I love my PS5 and Nintendo Switch. When I'm not watching Star Wars or playing videogames I love going to watch live music with my partner. We mostly go watch Heavy Rock bands but also a bit of Punk Rock, Alternative Metal.

I have recently started getting into stargazing, after a wonderful night sky tour from a professional. I bought myself some binoculars and a beginner's book.

Also, I have binged and nearly finished Attack on Titan, and oh wow do I love it! I'm easy to please, and not expecting much at all. Just signing up for the fun of the process.

Only thing I ask is that I don't get sent any mugs/glasses/cups as I have LOADS already. Also the house is a bit cramped for space so nothing that will take up more. And finally, due to having eczema, I'd ask you to not gift me clothes as I am very fussy about what I wear.

Thank you!