Hello, I am a 35 year old mathematician/computer scientist. I am from the Netherlands, but live in Denmark with my Danish husband Henrik and beautiful 1,5 year old daughter Evelien. Henrik and I met in England (Oxford) and have lived together in Switzerland (Baden), but now we are settling in Denmark for good. We are a trilingual family, speaking Dutch, English and Danish at home, with a focus on Dutch.
Apart from enjoying our new family, my husband and I share many hobbies, including: board games, cooking and baking, acroyoga/partner acrobatics, reading, dancing, spending time with friends and family, geocaching, and these gift exchanges. I also love postcrossing, which is an ongoing postcard exchange project.
There are a few Youtube channels we follow: Cracking the Cryptic (a channel where they solve Sudokus), Tasting History with Max Miller (historic recipes), and I enjoy any science outreach videos as well (I might switch from research to outreach someday).