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Level 6
Premium member


My hobbies are pretty mundane and my interests tend to wax and wane over time, but in general I spend my free time watching TV/movies, reading (mostly graphic novels and webtoons these days), or occasionally playing video games (primarily on Nintendo systems). I don’t always make it to the end of something before getting distracted or losing interest in it though, even if I enjoyed it up to that point.

My preferred genres for most things are fantasy, sci-fi, adventure, and superheroes, plus RPGs for games and fun, character-driven crime/mystery for shows. I generally avoid really dark or psychological stuff and most romances.

Aside from that, I enjoy learning about different cultures and their histories, as well as folklore and mythologies in general.

As a note, my "Dislikes" list isn't necessarily things I dislike but is more of a "please don't send me these for one reason or another" list, while my “Likes” list doesn’t cover everything, though I’ve tried to include a good variety.

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