Hiya! I'm a 30-something introverted nerdy mom living with my 11-year-old daughter and 5 furbabies (2 snorty little pugs and 3 kitties). I’m a Registered Nurse working in inpatient acute physical rehabilitation. I love gardening and animals. One of my dreams is to combine my love of plants and animals with my passion of rehabilitation nursing by training my pugs to be therapy dogs and create a therapeutic garden for the community or as a part of therapy program.
I enjoy reading mostly mystery, thriller, sci-fi, and fantasy. I also love listening to podcasts. My favorites are Crime Junkie, The Episodic Table of Elements, Orbitals, RadioLab, and Levar Burton Reads. I do enjoy some light gaming with my favorite games being Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, and Hearthstone.
Feel free to ask me any questions! Thanks for reading! :)