Hi, I'm Kami! I'm a darkly inclined person who loves bunnies, horror media and artwork, writing and roleplaying, baking, 80-90s media and aesthetics, nature, teas and coffees, stop motion, puppeteering, and theatrical masks! I'm a memelord with an odd, dark, twisted sense of humor, so I'd probably enjoy something particularly weird. Some colors I enjoy are black, darker shades of blue, pinks (in moderation!), and, if it counts, glitter and holographic prints. Generally, I'm into dark visual designs, but I'm also interested in things that fall into the "creepy cute" territory, or sometimes in the realm of "just plain cute." I'm a big-time animal lover; I have two void cats named Mame and Kichi, and an axolotl named Logan. I also sometimes do volunteer work at animal shelters, and have experience with small animals like rabbits and guinea pigs. As you might notice, I especially love buns, and have thought about adopting someone (or someones!) somewhere down the line. I also have a ton of personal items that have to do with bunnies in some way. Talk to me long enough, and I'll probably start to bombard you with animal pictures, whether of my own or those found online. Feel free to spoil Mame, Kichi, and Logan if you find something species-appropriate they might enjoy that's on theme! I'm also interested in house plants and fungi!
Feel free to ask me questions! I do have a wishlist, but it's mostly to get an idea of what I may enjoy. I also have a Letterboxd account! I don't update frequently, but here is my profile if you want to stalk me: https://boxd.it/7qmCx