Hi, I'm Jessie!
About me: I'm 45 with a spouse and son. I work a mostly remote 9 to 5 IT job, when out of it I tend to enjoy time with my family sharing my interests and likes with them. Below is a sampling and I am always happy to discuss more:
I like reading Sci-Fi and Fantasy, some of my favorites titles are: Neuromancer, Snowcrash, The Abhorsen Series, and Lord of the Rings. I also like non-fiction like: Endurance, The Indifferent Stars Above, and Shadow Divers.
I love videogames (PC first/Switch/Xbox, in that order). Favorite titles are (in rough order): Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Skyrim, Mass Effect (#2 is my favorite), and Borderlands (#2 is my favorite).
For Hobbies, I draw with pencil and some watercolors (mostly things I want to sculpt, build, write about), write (2 time NaNoWriMo Winner, many time participant), and play the Ukulele (I'd say I'm a novice, I can play some chords and pluck many songs, but reading music is still hard as is tempo). I also like to kitbash, sculpt, and build miniatures for the DnD games I run and participate in (As a DM I'm always on the look out for more interesting monster miniatures in the 28mm scale to use on my party 😈).
I enjoy cooking especially meals for other people (like Brazilian Picanha Steak, Lemon Chicken, and Homemade spaghetti at least once a week).
Other favorites: The colors sky blue & light pink, Lilo and Stitch (Stich particularly), Gritty (the Flyer's mascot, though not so much on the sport part), my Neighbor Totoro, Starlight Brigade, Starbucks salted caramel coffee, octopuses, dark chocolate, 90's Rock & 80's pop/punk, Stickers/Button Pins, and nice people.
When it comes to clothing I'm a women's size 16, T-Shirts are 2XL (or XL Men's). I like silver colored jewelry and and try to achieve a rocker chick kinda look when on my own time, and more sensible Women's clothes that I add small rocker or punk vibes too.