Books and plushies collector, love drinking fancy herbal tea and flavoured coffee, cat-mum to the four indoor cats and a few ferals. Horses are my passion - I'd live at the stables if I could! I love animals in general. My favourite movie ever is the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I'm a singer (folk songs, trad music) and I'm learning to play the concertina. I like arts (also from an art history perspective - love 19th century landscape painters) and crafts, mainly knitting, sewing, embroidery, painting and sculpting. I am not really into sports, except dancing (ballet, traditional dances) and horse riding (interested in all disciplines, especially English/classic disciplines and natural horsemanship - currently doing jumping and starting in eventing, would love to try TREC and endurance).
Alright with second hand items (as long as they're clean and in good condition), handmade items are of course very welcome. I speak and read French and English, and have notions of Irish and German (can't read a complex book, but basic stuff are fine).
Although I understand if that is not an option for you, I prefer when possible to support local businesses instead of Amazon (getting more and more difficult to avoid them as the years go on, I know!) - if you need recommendations for local stores you can order from online and that would ship directly to me, feel free to ask me if I haven't mentioned them in my exchange preferences. If at all possible, I'd rather not receive anything from websites like AliExpress or Wish, and if shopping with Amazon if possible please do not send me stuff from stores in China, it makes customs and all very complex and the quality of the items is often unpredictable.
If you want to donate to a charity in my name I recommend any animal rescue but specifically: Limerick Animal Welfare; Limerick Feral Cats; MADRA; Galway SPCA and ISPCA in general; any of your local cat charities involved in TNR feral cats.
Goodreads profile: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/92450200-imjast