Hi there! I'm Josie, from East Texas. Currently pursuing my masters in mental health counseling online from a badass really small and unique school I adore. I write pen pal letters since 2018 or 2019 since utilizing r/penpals. I am the top mod for r/PlusSize, my personal sizes are XXL if it's sized Tall, or 3X try and accommodate a longer torso, but otherwise I'm a 20, size 10 (womens) shoes, size 10-11in rings, I adore european chocolate especially kinder hippos, specifically the hazenut ones are among my top faves. But generally I love food and snacks and even cooking, trying to branch into some baking. Addicted to my own sweet tea which involves my homemade simple syrup, topped off w/ some lemonade for a hint of Arnold Palmer, but like 90% sweet tea, lol. I identify as a baby witch who's about to start witch school, lol. Not religious obviously, and will respect anyone who can do the same w/ my choices and preferences. I love dogs & cats, but don't currently have pets cause I'm too broke to be a responsible pet owner, but omg corgi's have my heart w/ those lil legs and fluffy butts, but my beloved (family) pet who passed in April 2019 was a Border Collie named Pete, I have some of his ashes and a lil memorial plaque for him, then a big framed picture of him and I as soon as you walk into my apartment. I've been in my apartment since 2013 and am continually making it homier for myself. Since my IG is private and I don't really add many people, I instead put in my amazon wish list where there's 21 different lists full of ideas for any occasion.