(profiles/links at the bottom)
Hey! I'm a Dutch Public Administration student aged 21. I watch a ton of football and American football (GO NEC and VIKES). My biggest hobby is reading. I play field hockey (ice hockey but without the ice, ton of fun) and I enjoy some gaming when I have the time. As a student I like drinking, but I love traveling. I unironically collect socks and books, especially old books. I'm a giant history nerd (graduated high school with a perfect history grade) and my favorite movies are studio ghibli ones. I'm also a foodie, worked in restaurants for a while, and I bake a decent amount. I'm fascinated by foreign cultures and languages but I don't speak more then 2 (English and Dutch) and I don't have the talent to learn more without a ton of effort. I love lego and I'm very interested in buildings. I'm a sucker for wooden crafted things and I used to play DnD (until I ran out of time, ironic). I love a good sweater and my clothing style is generally described as "wild and enthusiastic, many colors", I'm a size M (european) and shoe size 43 (european). I love being outside and I even love the rain (if its not too bad). Nature is beautiful and bikings is great, walking too! Obsessed with sports and stats.
I love being with friends, thats where I do my drinking haha. I have autism and ADHD but I'm still an extroverted social creature. I'm like a cat, and I love cats, I can sleep all day but I want to be with others. I'm pansexual and my friends would describe me as a chaotic fun goofball who knows no shame (and they would be right, I don't know shame). I'm also a chess player and teacher (second year in the classroom now) but dont get me any chess books, I already have too many. I used to play guitar, had a really neat old guitar from the 80s in Japan, but I got too busy to play.
Favorite books: (in no particular order). The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Queens gambit, animal farm, midnight library, project hail mary. Favorite movies: (in no particular order). Porco Rosso, Spirited away, from up on poppy hill, the wind rises (my favorite), the king, battered basterds of baseball, moneyball, siege of jadotville. (and anything that Jon Bois produces) Favorite shows: (in no particular order). Community, rick and morty, invincible, himym (childhood memories there), the bear (favorite), chernobyl. Favorite games: (in no particular order). Football Manager, stardew valley, victoria 3, crusader kings 3, mount and blade warband, around the world in 80 days. emily is away (1-3), unpacking, slay the spire. Favorite food: (in no particular order) fudge (Favourite candy, im a sucker for good fudge), pizza and pastas (or really anything Italian), instant noodles (im still a student), croissaints and baguettes, tiramisu, schnitzel, french fries, popcorn (favourite snack), Favorite bands: (in no particular order). Coin, billy joel (I blame my dad for that), snelle, beatles, veldhuis en kemper (my parents fault), acda en de munnik (again my dads fault)
This ended up being way longer then I meant for it to be and I'm sorry for that. I've not added a wishlist because I want to be surprised (sorry again). I've you've read this all and still dont know what to get then know this: I'm a sucker for trying new things and experiencing new cultures.
https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/172213821-stijn https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198306903851/