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Level 6

24, wife, have seven cats and a dog. 3 of which are kittens and love toys! Love purples,blues, and reds. Love crystals, and anything fuzzy! I love fantasy books. I have an obession with make up as well! My favorites book series is ACOTAR,Throne of glass, crescent city The vampire academy, The Hush series, House of night and Lilly Dale series, an of course Fourth Wing 🥰 I watch a lot of criminal shows, and listen to crime podcasts on YouTube.

Any books in my list you can buy second hand 😊 I am more the happy with preloved books! Plus they're cheaper 🤗 Wolves, sloths and axoltiols are my favorite animals 🥰

I try to stay away from any essential oils that may harm my fur babes. Eucalyptus and lavander are terrible for them.

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