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Level 6


I am from Seattle Washington :) I love Harry Potter, Twilight, Eureka, Warehouse 13, Dr. Who, Fringe... basically anything nerdy and SYFY, I love! I have a beautiful wife, a fur son (cat) named Appa and a fur daughter (dog) named Suka. I take care of my wifes grandma, who has dementia.

I love photography. I love taking photos. Memories in one snap!

I LOVE going to the movies. Just the whole experience is awesome. When I have the time, I try to go to see a movie once a week.

When I have the time, I love to go squid jigging, going on long drives, and going to new restaurants.

I am a 2 time cancer survivor.

I try to cook, and love learning new recipes, but am no chef. I love to eat it though!

I love makeup--- but Im no good at it--- its so fun trying to transform myself though!

My goal in life is to just be happy with my little family, and to love myself no matter what. I try to be a good person, but sometimes I have my days (who doesnt)

anyway, thats me in a nutshell! I am excited to match with you!!!!