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Level 6

I am a 26 year old Russian guy, who somehow managed to complete his uni studies for Hospitality Management. In my spare time I am doing a bit of everything. My neighbours hate me for my two beautiful guitars and a bass. Currently trying to form/find a band, but as it turned out, there are no drummers around. Sad day.

My big passion in life and the thing moving me around the most is football. I have been introduced to my local team at the stadium when I was 4. Since then it has been a major part of my life. Since 2008 I started visiting away games around the world, so far having over 50 games under my belt, all around Europe and Russia. These probably account for most of my traveling, honestly. Well, apart from that one trip to Man United football camp in Kent. I guess, that counts. As for other team sports, I support Montreal Canadiens and it's a dream of mine to be able to go to Canada to watch hockey game one day. Managed to miss my chance by like 3 hours last time, which says a lot about my luck. Meanwhile, trying to pick up hockey myself, which proves to be quite a challenge.

The other big passion of mine is racing. Real life or simulator, give me wheel and pedals and I'll make it go fast. I'm doing some SWS championship racing currently, battling for Russia's top spots. This year actually got into the World Finals! Slowly but surely I'm building my racing rig, making my sim experience bigger and better to compete with the very best.

I am a lifetime gamer! I have probably spent way too much time playing all kinds of games.

P.S. For any typos I blame my keyboard.

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