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Level 4

Hi! I am a 54 year-old dude. I have been married for 26 years and we have a beautiful daughter, handsome son-in-law, the most gorgeous three-year old Granddaughter - and a Grandson that just arrived! We have a five year-old, 100-lb oaf of an American Bulldog rescue that goes by the name of Pike. We recently moved from So California (6 blocks due south of Disneyland), to the Midwest, to be near our kids. My wife and I were fortunate to purchase our first home to do this. I was very lucky to keep my job that I have had for 20+ years, and still be able to work from home. My likes include: watching NFL football (LA Chargers - don't judge); watching certain YouTube channels (Graham Norton Show; several dedicated to space exploration – SpaceX, NASA, etc.; Reddit thread-reads; our nephew’s growing gaming channel); listening to podcasts as I work from home.

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