Level 4
Hey there! I'm Miki! I'm a recreation therapist as well as a hobby artist with my hands in metal smithing, ceramics and stained glass work!
My interests include the following...
- Plants! So many plants!!
- My cute critters, 2 cats and my 3 chinchillas <3
- D&D! Most of the time I'm the healer as a Cleric or Druid!
- Horror movies! I love the Alien movies, The Thing, anything by Guillermo Del Toro, John Carpenter or David Cronenberg.
- Witchy stuff; tea, crows and black cats, magic or enchantment stuff, shiny rocks and crystals, creepy things, the color black and purple, cosmic galaxy stuff, the works!
- Anime! I'm on a huge Ancient Magus Bride kick, and I LOVE Studio Ghibli!
- Art of all kind! I love collecting other people's work!
- Video games! More details with that (sorry in advance)... ~ Favorite game of all time? Okami! ~ I LOVE Animal Crossing! Kiki, Rosie and Tangy are my favorite villagers! ~ Loved Pokemon since I was small! I love practically all ghost pokemon (Mimikyu, Lampent, Phantump and Drifloon), grass pokemon (Leafeon and Bulbasaur), and others like Espeon, Dedenne and Ninetails! ~ Other games I'm into are The Legend of Zelda (especially BotW), Monster Hunter, Wareframe (Wisp, Valkr and Ember), Overwatch (Mei, Moira, Symmetra and Junkrat), Dead by Daylight, etc etc.
I look forward to exchanging, and hope you love what I get for you!!