I'm a 30-something American that has found myself living in Sunny Northland with my partner and 2 dogs. I have an un-used degree in Marine Biology and I love spending my time living fictional lives in Open world Video Games or exploring other worlds as I read various novels.
I've had a Harry Potter obsession since I was 10 years old and am a quintessential Ravenclaw. In fact, I was part of the founding group for the 1st Harry Potter Fan Conference to take place in the State of Florida, back when I was in Uni. (Harry Potter and the Muggle Outreach Conference, for anyone interested).
I'm my early-to-mid 20's I spent the better part of 5 years living out of a tent in various wilderness areas of the USA building hiking trails and working on chainsaw crews working for various Conservation Corps and the US Govt. My job locations ranged from Northern Idaho to Southern Texas, and Western North Carolina to The Turnagain Arm in Southern Alaska.
I ended up in NZ after a working holiday turned into a whirlwind romance, and here we are 5+ years later!