I am a single mom of 2 kids. I have had a very traumatic upbringing which has lead into my severe obsession to learn everything I can about personal development, early childhood development and psychology. I have a long list of physical disabilities and mental health struggles, including ASD and ADHD, however I view my limitations as challenges to overcome and find work around for. I am highly intuitive and creative, I love crafts from sculpting to epoxy to woodworking to sewing. I'd like to eventually open up my own business. I'm extremely family oriented and am always doing emotional regulation exercises, or doing nature related or craft related things with my boys. My one kid is very crafty like me and my other is more of the take it apart and build it kinda kiddo. I find my own joy in little things (mainly learning crafting and trying new things with my hands). I was never really taught how to do "girl things" so I'd love to learn just haven't had time to invest yet 😂