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Level 6

I’m a single mom with an 13yr old boy, 4 year old girl. Love gardening (recently moved in December, so I’m basically starting all of my plants from scratch.. but they’re growing… got some type of flower eater that is killing all my flower buds, but think it’s getting better now lol… never mind the squirrels who eat all the avacados from the one established tree that was here already [Eyeroll]) journaling, stamps, cards, snail mail!! Making my own candles, and baking my own macrons! Trying to learn calligraphy- and it is way harder than I thought!! My hand isn’t used to the proper way to hold the pen, definitely an adjustment!
I do love to go off roading and camping, like being outside with the kiddos no matter where really… snow, sand.. grass! You name it!

My sons a total gamer, and is going through his turning into a MAN phase… not very easy for me. And probably not too easy for him either. Although, since I last updated this he has grown! The kid is taller than me, plays football, and is “too cool” for anything regarding me lol. He wont even take pictures with me!! :(((

My daughter is now 4, going on 16 and never ever ever stops talking. She’s smart, sometimes I think too smart (but we all think that about our kiddos) Lol she’s sweet though, loves drawing and painting and creating anything she can…she’s also a great singer she entertainer lol..

We also a a Golden Retriever that looks a bit similar to an Irish Setter, her name is Honey. We rescued her, and she’s the cutest and biggest scardy cat! She’s so happy and fun loving now, she’s done a 180 and is a wonderful dog!

Please feel free to ask me any questions and I’ll answer as soon as I can. The kids (mainly the 2yr old) keep me busy most of the time, but I manage somehow to get some alone.. but not really.

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