Hey I’m Madison! I work in the pharmacy full time and have a small business part time. I knit and crochet accessories and home decor. I love yarn and crochet related mugs and shirts. I have an Aussie mix puppy named Lucy and she is my baby. My favourite tv show is probably Supernatural and I love Harry Potter (I’m a slytherin). I’m a Sagittarius sun and love astrology. I love collecting old used books. I don’t yet own a used books scented candle ;) Fall is my favourite season. I love comfy scarves and fuzzy socks. I’m a big true crime podcast fan; I listen to Morbid, ATWWD, and Crime Junkie. I love handmade earrings from small businesses. My favourite colours are silver, black, and teal. I like hot cocoa and my favourite snack is caramel TimTams!! I love soft blankets but I think I have way too many at this point. I also love to wear quirky socks to work with my scrubs, such as my pickle socks, taco socks, flamingo socks, etc. Oh and I’m a size 10 us womens shoe size and I like XL tshirts so I can sleep in them