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Level 6


Hello my name is Michelle but I also go by Fawksie. I am 31 years old and will be 32 in January (I have the same birthday as Joan of Ark, and now unfortunately the storming of the Capital Building) . I have been in a relationship for five years and live with my partner. I have a brother who is 18 months older than me and has autism. I spend my weekends with my mom whether we are making art together, going to the movies or simply watching our puppy together.

I enjoy Monster High, Disney, horror, oddities, fairies, gothic style and mid century modern things. Secondhand, antique shopping and thrifting (treasure hunting are my favorite things to do). Anything that makes me think or be creative is important to me. I love to make different forms of art (resin, ceramic, pottery, fabric painting, puzzles, etc.). I am a bit of a hermit when I am away from work but I also like to go on adventures by myself to clear my head and hunt for things to surprise my loved ones with.

I work at a daycare and go to school at Semo currently to get my bachelors degree. I love working with children and my main goal is to work with at risk youth. I would also love to be self employed or work with people closest to me.