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Level 5

41f sahm staying sane in this weird world. Navy Vet, gamer (board games, tabletop games, Nintendo games), and maker. I spin yarn (not very well yet, but I’m getting better). I knit all manner of things. I paint minis, mostly for gaming. Some of those I print myself. I bake things- from cookies to bread to cake and anything in between. I enjoying figuring things out.

Kind of addicted to New. New foods, new knowledge, new experiences. I want to try to understand things and I’m getting better at admitting it when I don’t. Always trying to be better.

Shirt size xxl in women’s and xl in unisex /mens. Ears are pierced. Favorite color is green.

I have multiple sclerosis and sometimes I’m in a wheelchair. I’d go into that further, but you’re not my therapist. Let me know if you’re interested.

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