(This is just a long rambling about my general likes and hobbies)
I was working from home before it was cool, as a freelance video editor. My hobbies are all over the place. I guess 'retro games' is the big one. During 2020 I went a little crazy over on Yahoo auctions and got a pretty nice Famicom and Super Famicom collection going (the Japanese Nintendo + Super Nintendo) and now I'm enjoying playing through them. There's nothing like playing those games on a nice CRT to ease any worried and 'adulthood' stresses away. I'd go as far as to say doing that really saved my sanity during the tail end of the pandemic. It gave me something to look forward to, getting new packages and building a small collection, and really helped get me through day by day.
Pinball and arcades kind of count as 'retro games' but that was huge before covid hit. I always say my pipe dream is to have a home with a big enough basement for me to put a couple pins and arcade cabinets down there... with THAT carpet. Y'know the one, it'll glow and be all rad. Put on a black light and the planets and stars will light up. I'm not sure what it is specifically about arcades that really get to me. The lights and glowing monitors, the sounds of the attract modes, the big bulky presence. It's all just so... cool. I recently caved and bought a cocktail pinball for super cheap to fill up some space in the meantime while we look for a house! It's pretty rad: https://i.imgur.com/HjRqWa6.jpg
I also like craft coffee and tea. I usually start my day with a pourover with my Hario V60. Light roast naturals are to diiieee for, so fruity and flavorful. I haven't tackled espresso yet because that's a whole 'nother beast to tackle. ...well, and no counter space lol. I love teas of all kinds, from black tea to herbals to green tea straight from Kyoto. Hōjicha and Gyokuro are favorites of mine.
If it's not obvious already, I like a bunch of things from Japan. Mainly games, food and culture bits. I follow the Japanese baseball team, the Hanshin Tigers, and try to watch their games live when I can at 5am when I feel like getting up early. Also got a Hanshin Gamecube! (Between my brother and I, I think we're up to 4 Gamecubes in this house.) I really enjoy watching GameCenter CX, especially the bits where they visit local arcades and shops. I was supposed to take a solo trip in 2020 for my 28th birthday but ahhh we all know how that turned out.