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I'm happy to join in on the Reddit Secret Santa yet again for 2023. (: I've now been into fountain pens for a couple years, and I know this hobby will stay with me forever, so here we go. In terms of what I like, I usually dress very cleanly, and let my accessories steal the show. I now opt for silver, instead of gold, and have invested in that swap this past year. My favorite pens tend to be ones that just look beautiful, I don't know how else to say it, so that I pick up that one instead of the others. I write letters often, so anything I have gets use (not counting the billion ink samples I have now, I love them all but it'll take so long to get through them). I'm also a leatherworker, so I'm expecting to make some people cases or the like, on top of pens. Also, that means that I've been investing all my extra funds into leather, instead of getting pens, so there's a lot that I still want. xP

Regardless of what you get, I'm sure I'll love it, so thanks for reading. <3

Cheers, Enos N.

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