Level 1
Boardgame enthusiast, creative mind, easy to spark my interest. Random things about myself:
- Right now I'm a beginner at jigsaw puzzeling (preferable 500-1000 with easy and beautiful motives).
- I like things connected to squirrels (and foxes), as most of my friends now me as the little squirrel.
- love escape games
- Sports I like are bouldering, swimming, canoing, hiking
- I am a sex educator. Sex education books in different languages or even historical ones are something quite specific that I would be happy about (if that is something that you feel comfortable about).
- I am also happy about recieving items connected to queer life and culture (i identify as pansexual/bisexual, kinky & poly), especially if they mean something to you
- A perfect day for me involves dungarees and wellies or listening to a thunderstorm in bed
- I love travelling, but with the clima crisis this is becoming harder for me. Love Lanzarote, a wild sea, would love to visit Reykjavík one day, revisit Sweden and Lithuania....
- I am a secred namenerd. I just have the special interest of keeping lists of names i like
- Boardgames: right now i prefer games that work good with two players, or fun games for groups. Here you can get a feeling for my taste if you want to take that route: https://boardgamegeek.com/collection/user/EmilieGreen
- I like beautiful boxes
- I like bullet journaling. Own too many rolls of washy tapes and like good quality pens. Righ now my color combination is dark blue and gold.