I am a Dutch woman in my thirties, I live in Utrecht in the Netherlands. I am single with no kids, but I love spending time with my young niece and newly born nephew, both of whom I am godmother to! That isn't even really a thing in my country, but my brother in law isn't Dutch and I'm really excited to have been asked. I have rearranged my work schedule to be able to babysit them regularly.
I love reading and watching movies. Sci-fi, fantasy and young adult are my favoriete genres, my favorite author is Janet Edwards. I love things with a magical feel to it, like magical creatures or special powers. I have embraced using my ereader, rather then reading hard copies of books. Oh and I joined a Dungeons and Dragons group! I'm still getting into it, but I'm quite excited so far. We're playing Old-School Essentials, which was described to me as a modernized clone of D&D Basic/Expert from 1981. No clue what that means exactly, I just know it's fun!
I have had bariatric surgery to lose weight, so I prefer not to be sent snacks. I am also trying to build up my condition, I joined a folkdance group (which I really love). I also love water, but more the floating then the swimming, so wellness and sauna yes, swimming laps no. I have started doing aquarobics, but I'm not sure yet if that's gonna last.
I collect tin fairies 3-7 cm in height and I adore baby animals, beautiful wrapping paper and the feeling of Christmas. I also collect ty beanie boos about 15 cm in height, but since I currently have so much I can't get them all visibly displayed, maybe don't send more.
I usually do a couple of exchanges at the same time, so please write down what exchange your gift is for. I also love it when people wrap their gifts and add a card or personal note to it, but I get that's not for everybody. So no hard feelings if you don't.
Feel free to ask me questions, I usually respond within the day to messages.