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Level 6
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I'm an adult fan of Lego! Or afol for sort. A redditgifts exchange (in 2019) got me hooked to it and now almost every cent I can spare goes into Lego or gifting (and both at the same time if my giftee likes it too!). I enjoy pretty much everything Lego® (except not so compatible thinfs such as friends, technic, duplo or mehandising) and would love to make my own lego city some day (both with sets and things designed by me).

I dream of being able to travel to Germany so I can buy pieces by their weight on the Lego factory (in Legoland) 😂

Of course I also like movies and music but, thanks to streaming services, I'm all set in that regard.. and I have a Nintendo Switch so let me know if you want to race me in mario kart :) it's pretty much the only thing I play on it these days

If you need to contact me you can find me on discord (@d1ce5)