^_^ Never be afraid to ask me questions.
I love the giving, hopefully something my giftee will enjoy.
I devour books, 20-30 books a month; romance with tons of other elements. Was awesome when I found crime drama romances. Always looking for book recommendations.
If I am not reading, I can be found pc gaming, pen pal writing or creating yarn/resin or computer items. (Crochet bags, blankets and amigurumi. Resin figures, coasters, and memorial items. Computer labels, profile cards, and info sheets).
I have 3 tattoos, puppy paws down the left side of my neck onto shoulder. A yin yang on lower back with a red and blue gecko dividing the halves. Blue roses with ivy on my right shoulder going front to back and a little up my neck.
Right ear has 2 cartilage piercings besides the lobe.
For more details: https://www.swap-bot.com/user:Brokenwings87
My wish lists are updated after things are purchased off them.