Hello stranger, pleased to meet you. Thank you for taking the time to share some kindness in the world! Not sure what to put here, not much guidance so I’ll put what I would want to know myself. Early thirties guy, husband to the best woman in the world and father to a little girl. They are my life pretty much. Outside of that, I work in marketing and try and juggle remote working and dad duties, standard work story there at the moment! Don’t get lots of free time but what time I have I play my Switch, listen to rock music, read or watch tv and films. Plus spend time with my wife once the four year old is asleep, we binge Netflix, hard. Used to travel in the pre-virus days but it is difficult with a child, plus my wife has a bunch of health issues so we tend to stay near home. I like penguins, Harry Potter, Japanese history and culture, cooking and graphic t shirts.
Top books - all by JK Rowling, lord of the rings, Hyperion, starship troopers, world war z, his dark materials, wuthering heights Top movies - old boy, battle royale, lord of the rings, perks of being a wall flower, about time, hero, howls moving castle, the raid Top tv - sword art online, gintama, grand blue, full metal alchemist, assassination classroom, Hunter x Hunter, attack on Titan, my hero academia, cardcaptor Sakura, jojo, danmachi, re zero Top music - a day to remember, five finger death punch, my chemical romance, ice nine kills, amaranthe, yashin