Hello there! My name is Darren or sometimes known as DarrenCax online. I am a bit of a closet furry but really only with my online persona. In person I'm your typical guy who tends to keep to himself. I do currently live by myself with my cat, Nala, keeping me company. I'm easy going and love getting surprises as well as surprising others :)
In my spare time I'm usually chilling at home. While I don't have any hobbies per say, I do enjoy tinkering. Whether it be ripping into something to see how it works, repairing some broken electronic or building something new, I enjoy it all. I've even gone as far as taking laptops home from work and repairing them over my weekend. Guess that goes to show how otherwise boring my life is!
I will get into spurts of gaming from time to time. Presently I do not have any consoles so I stick to PC gaming or retro emulation. I tend to stick with arcade-style racing, 3rd person action or platformers. For more retro games, I grew up in the late 80s / early 90s so most any 8-bit or 16-bit system. Of course I have my obligatory Raspberry Pi / Retro Arch system in an NES case.
Outside of technology, I am very much into cars. I still have and frequently drive my first car, a 1993 Jeep Cherokee. The paint's peeling and rust is forming but it still runs strong! I then have a 2017 Subaru WRX which is my reliable daily driver. More recently I purchased a supercharged 2013 Mustang GT as my weekend cruiser. I do enjoy getting my hands dirty and working on my cars but only if time permits.