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Level 6

I'm a homeschooling mom (and former elementary school teacher!) so I'm addicted to all things office supply and staying organized. I love reading anything and everything, and our favorite subject to study as a family is history. I like going antiquing and collecting unique/oddball treasures. I've always been fascinated by old homes, architecture, and urban decay (abandoned buildings.) We have a foster-fail Great Dane, a elderly tuxedo cat, and we recently added a parakeet to our family. Since joining Givin Gifts, we've also hand-raised four kittens that were born under our porch and are currently our indoor/outdoor friends. My daughter enjoys rainbows, sparkles, and all things stereotypically feminine and "cute" while my son favors video games, the wild west, and the color dark blue. Two things I can never have enough of are books and chapstick. I am focusing on things that make my soul happy. Giving gifts is one of them :)

Games: Sea of Thieves, Katamari, FFVII/VIII/X, Kingdom Hearts, Assassins Creed series, Bioshock, Hades Shows: Boardwalk Empire, Twin Peaks, Sandman

If I had to describe my style, I am... << without the positivity, << without the price, and >> >> without the age.

I'm responsive to messages :)

** Although I'm easy to find around the Internet, I don't have a Reddit account (I might be the last person on the Internet!) and I haven't actively updated my social media in years. For this reason, I'd rather you ask questions than stalk. :) **

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