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Level 4

I'm autistic, shy and socially awkward. So much so that everything is in my moms name. This will be my very first ever only for me exchange and I don't even know about it! Yup mom is trying to surprise me! I watch her participate with r/randomactsofcards, r/random_acts_of_amazon and secret Santa and I love it. She's had me put stuff I like on her wishlist and helped me create one about me(mostly) because sometimes they send stuff I love!

Mom just found out that my favorite all time holiday is Halloween!! She asked, "why didn't you tell me whenever I've asked over the years!?!?!" I said I dunno? Then she asked how long it's been my favorite holiday?!?! I said, I dunno? Then my grandmother asked if I loved Halloween. I said, I dunno? But I was doing the happy dance at the front yard decorations mom got me! It's complete. Now I need cool things for indoors!!

I've pinned all wishlists to my profile on reddit. u/tinawebmom

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