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Level 6

Hi there! I’m a momma of 2 girls (ages 11 and 4), and live with my husband, a Saint Berdoodle puppy, and our 2 goldfish in Grand Rapids. I work at a bank managing the branch training group. I’ve cooked my way through a couple cookbooks (most recently JoAnna Gaines’ Magnolia Table Vol 2), and I enjoy dancing to workout- everything from pole dancing to ballet. I like reading autobiographies, personal development books, mysteries, and romance novels. Most recent book read: Untamed. I love gardening; my favorite plants in my landscape are the hydrangea. My favorite podcast is Crime Junkies. I enjoy bringing financial literacy to kiddos with Junior Achievement of West Michigan. I’m a Certified Twerk Technician (yep that’s a thing!) and I love decorating for holidays.

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