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Level 6

Iโ€™m a simple person. I love creating things with my Cricut. I love to paint with acrylic paints.

I am an avid anime lover! Mangas, plushies, shows (both live and animated), I love it all. I love all things Japan! Itโ€™s on my bucket list to visit it someday. Not just for the anime, but I love the culture, the history, the language, and its traditions. I would hope one day to wear a kimono. My favorites include Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Black Butler, and Naruto: Shippuden (Itachi my fav).

I also love the Medieval Time period. I love the knights, jousting, tournaments, and chivalry. I would love to go LARPing at least one time in my life. Yes, I have been to the Medieval Times Dinner Theater show. If giving the choice to go to Disney World or Medieval Times Dinner Theater, I would go to Medieval Times (Yes, I did this once on a business trip!).

I am a gamer. I love playing all kinds of games. Video games, computer games, board games, and card games. I would love to do an escape room one day. Iโ€™ve played several Final Fantasy games including FF7 through FF12. FFX has the best story, but I love the music from FF8. I hope to go to the Distant World: Final Fantasy Music concert one day. I also play GTA5, Minecraft, Kingdom Hearts series, Animal Crossing, and COD: Black Ops series.

Currently, I am an unemployed K-5 teacher. I currently have my own store where I sell educational resources that create. My store is called Teacher Gameroom. You can find me on most social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and more. My website is I would definitely love some TeacherspayTeachers gift cards to help build my store and brand.

If you need ideas, here's my Amazon wishlist:

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