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Level 6

I love: Studio Ghibli, Yoga, Halloween, Moomins, Loungefly, searching for and giving gifts, meditation, kindness, sea creatures, elephants, dragonflies, birds, nature, owls, more Yoga, reading (ebooks, new, used, library), the colors blue, green and purple, coffee (home brew medium ground, Dunkin and Starbucks), empathy, Hocus Pocus (anything Sanderson sisters), Doctor Who (especially the classic 5th Doctor or any Doctor from the current series), Sandman (show and comics), Nightmare Before Christmas (especially Zero or Lock, Shock and Barrel), the Grinch, caring, baking & paper crafts. I also love sending cards to my friends, family and elderly strangers through Letters Against Isolation.

I like to play board games online at boardgame arena - Azul, Burglar Brothers, Yahtzee, Targi - we don't have space to set and leave up physical board games, so virtual is the next best option. We also play lots of co-op games on the Steam Deck, favorites are 'It Takes Two' and 'For the King'.

INFJ - I am in my early 40's, partnered, no children (I work with them).

I don't eat sugar, the only sweetener I use is stevia/monkfruit. Low/er carb are the primary eating guidelines I follow.

I really value communication from my gifters, whether basic heads up or more detailed. I appreciate you!

+& Please consider with gifts from Amazon and other retailers, if you would kindly send a gift message (so I know it's from my Givin Gifts Santa and denote which exchange it's from)! &+ Thank you!

Please NO more washi, tea, wax sealing items, mugs, or figurines (or decorative things that sit); I have too much of those and I'm full to the brim or picky!
While I'm often allergic to costume jewelry that lays on my skin, earrings are generally fine and I do love fun earrings!

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