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Level 6


My bf of 12 years describes me as a mix out of Monk, Buddy the Elf and Linda Belcher. šŸ˜‚

I am not a history nerd but I enjoy obsessively reading all of the signs in a museum and soaking in information. I can't miss out on one - I guess I can be a bit like Monk. I appreciate 80s films - e.g. "Mannequin", "Trading Places" & "Lady Lovely Locks", but also modern films. I love "Harry Potter", "Twilight", "Pride and Prejudice, "The Nanny" - comedies, fantasy, romance.

I am always up for laughing at naughty jokes and I tend to spend way too much time in a supermarket - searching for cool new things. I like playing pranks on people and being silly in public. But I can also be a Lady. I like singing badly and not caring who hears it. I enjoy making funny faces and taking pictures of it. I am very talented in jump dancing (similar to the Gummi Bears). Ohh and I really like Fairy Tales! And books and audio books in general. I stopped reading psycho thrillers though, because they made me too negative. I enjoy reading romance, history, fantasy and comedy. I love board games and dinner table decoration. I love the colours pink and gold, I don't like dark colours.

I would say I am a nice person. I got bullied a lot in school and I really don't want that people feel the way I did. I don't swear and I am friendly. My friends call me Pollyanna, I take it as a compliment. :-P I greet people and wish them a nice day. I try to always be a good person.