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Level 6


Hi! I enjoy outdoor recreation and nerdy activities. Rain or shine I can find something to keep busy with. I live in north central Arkansas with access to a couple of lakes and rivers as well as plenty of hiking. I'm in my mid 30's, married, have 2 kids, and a couple of pets. I live in a semi-rural area and love watching the deer and rabbits in my backyard.

Some of my hobbies and interests include:

Hiking - day hikes in north central and northwestern Arkansas.

Reading - My Goodreads profile is probably the easiest way to show my taste in books. I only list books that I already own on my "Want to read" shelf.

Cross stitch - I mostly use DMC floss and enjoy dyed aida. I get most of my patterns from Etsy if you are the gift card giving type of person.

Bicycling - I ride a Trek fx 7.2 and mainly ride to relax and explore the rural county roads in my area.

Video games - Favorites: Morrowind (and the other Elder Scrolls games), Sonic (the old games from Sega Genesis), Lord of the Rings Online, Fable (series), Dragon Age (series), Tomb Raider (reboot trilogy), Witcher (series), Path of Exile, Assassins Creed (series), Call of Duty 4, Goldeneye, Mario Kart 64, Uncharted (series), God of War (series).

Kayaking - I use a sit in recreational kayak on the local lakes and rivers.

Lego - I like castles and space sets the most. All sets are cool though.

Jigsaw puzzles - I prefer 500 piece puzzles.