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Hey! G'day from the Aussie shores! I'm an 18-year-old with a deep love for music, especially strumming away on my guitar. When I'm not lost in the melodies, I'm all about exploring new adventures and discovering the hidden treasures of nature. I got my first guitar when I was 8, I always wanted to play it but I had no idea how, so it ended up as a decoration in my room for many years. Flash to 2021, when I decide that I want to play the guitar, I actually want to learn how to play properly. So I start watching some YouTube videos and a couple years later, it's my most passionate hobby, I love it so much, even being just a cheap second-hand guitar. When my parents noticed how much I was enjoying it, they decided that for Christmas they'd buy me a quality guitar, despite it not being the most expensive guitar out there, it's the one thing I love the most.

My whole life I've been surrounded by music, it has shaped my life, I'm always on Spotify and learning any new songs I find online. I've always got music playing, whether that be in the car, or on my AirPods. I just LOVE music, it brings people together and makes them happy!

When I find an album I love I can't help to check if they have a vinyl available, even though I've never bought any lol. I love how they put them together, like the pictures and colours used such as Taylor Swift's 'Lover', and just being able to see a physical form of your favourite song is just so cool. Unlike CDs or tapes, vinyls are just special in their own way. I think they are just way too over priced though for some vinyl with grooves in it, and don't get me started on record players lmao. Hundreds of dollars for a machine to spin a piece of vinyl in a circle is a bit overpriced 😂

I also love being outdoors, I love taking pictures of nature and the beauty of it far away from civilisation. I just use my iPhone and the quality of the pictures is just amazing, sometimes I even have to go print them out and frame them, they are just so good lol. It's just unreal looking at a picture and thinking, I took this photo! The beach is my favourite! Especially at sunset when all the colours are flooding the water, the pinks and oranges just look so good!

Anyways.. thanks for reading!!! I hope to be able to participate in a lot more of these exchanges in the future when I've saved up a bit more money!

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