Hi! My name is Ash and I'm a 21 year old university student.
My main interest is my dog! My dog is a West Highland White Terrier cross. He enjoys long walks, going to the park, playing with his squeaky vinyl ball and eating Bakers/Pedigree treats. We do agility training together which is a fun hobby that keeps both of us fit and active!
I am also very into active and outdoorsy pursuits. I enjoy hiking, especially in Scotland and the Lake District. I am also an avid runner and swimmer, although admittedly I'm not a very good one! One of my goals is to run a marathon and to climb as many British mountains as I can!
I'm also a history nerd- my university degree is in history. My main historical interest is currently 19th and 20th century Russian, US and British history. I like exploring book shops to try and find interesting/obscure historical books!
I love reading! I've yet to find a fiction book that I've really enjoyed since I was a child so my usual go-to is non-fiction. I normally go for historical books, although I do have an interest in true crime too. One of my favourite books that I've read was Sons of Cain by Peter Vronsky- it was a little intense in parts, but it was a great mix of history and true crime. If you go for books, I would recommend second-hand if you can- I really don't mind :) Similar to this, I have a liking for stationery- I'm not entirely sure why, but I love collecting cool new stationery!
I'm also interested in travelling. If this pandemic had not happened and money was no object I would love to do some extensive travelling. My bucket list travel destinations include South East Asia, Road tripping across Australia and New Zealand, hiking through South America, completing an African safari and visiting Antarctica. My Dad has always wanted to climb to base camp of Mt Everest so I hope to be able to do that with him in a few years time. When I have travelled in the past I have enjoyed finding small gifts from my destinations such as post cards almost as much as the actual trip!
With food, I like most things chocolatey! I do tend to only eat sweet foods, I don't really like salty foods.