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Hello! My name is Carlo Antoniolli, and I figured I would use this platform to give you a little bit of insight about me. I was an avid Secret-Santa on reddit and enjoy going above and beyond to make someone's year! I am 29 years old and live in Austin Texas with my girl friend and our 3 dogs (Aussie, Mutt, and a German Shep. Husky). I am an avid sports fan and attended the University of Texas. I currently work in Sales, but when I am not at work enjoy cooking, working out, and reading avidly. I am also a HUGE music person and will spend many an evening reading in the living room with some good music playing on the sound system. Some of my favorite chefs include Anthony Bourdain & Matty Matheson. I am currently on a HUGE Brandon Sanderson kick being caught up on the Storm Light Archive, and currently navigating the Mistborn Trilogies. Some of my other hobbies include wood working and just hanging out with friends with some good whiskey and maybe a game of Catan if we have the time. Some of the other book series I have loved are: Red Rising, Game of Thrones, The Expanse