Level 6
Premium member
Reddit Secret Santa refugee. Participated annually since 2018.
Some Things I Think Are Neat (in no particular order):
- Technology
- Science Fiction (I've read a broad smattering of classic and newer science fiction - Asimov, Adams, Bova, Card, Chambers, Clarke, Gibson, Herbert, Le Guin, Simmons, Vinge, Weir, and more - and have collected a lot of books - but am always collecting more. I also enjoy sci-fi games and movies.)
- Soundtracks (Game and film scores are my primary listening material)
- Video Games (Nintendo, mostly - Xenoblade/Fire Emblem/Zelda/Pokemon/Mario/Mario Kart/Animal Crossing - but also sims & builders like SimCity and Minecraft, and indie games like Celeste and Undertale)
- Programming & Computer Science
- Democracy
- Fantasy (Harry Potter/LOTR/Redwall/Percy Jackson/Bartimaeus/ect.)
- Hiking
- Running
- Piano (I've been learning over the past few years. Still bad, but slowly getting better.)
- Christmas (The most wonderful time of the year?)
- Statistics
- Being Positive
- Baseball (I can barely hit a ball, but I'll follow the attempt of others who try and hit it 400 ft. I'm a New York Mets fan, despite... well, everything.)
- History
- Reading
- Space (It's like sci-fi, but real!)
- The Internet (Magical land of distractions and fun - I mean, information and productivity)
- Learning and Trying New Things