Hi I’m Alice! I’m the community moderator on the subreddit for r/givingifts, as well as one of the core members of helping create this wonderful website and turning this dream into reality!
About me I’m 27, from Florida and a full time pharmacy technician! I like to listen to music and discover new music! I listen to a lot of Kpop that’s my main go to! As well as I control the music at work so I’m ALWAYS listening to music.
In my free time I build legos, as well as watch tv/movies. I love binge watching shows! Lately I’ve been watching a lot of kdramas! Those can be really fun and entertaining! During football season on Sundays I’ll usually be found watching the Philadelphia eagles games with my family and dogs!
I also have 2 beautiful dogs! I have Thor and he’s an 11 year old black lab! He isn’t allowed to have any treats he’s on a special diet but loves toys! I also have a mutt we think she’s half terrier half lab, She’s 1 and her name is Valkyrie we adopted her from the humane society! We got her on Halloween so she’s our little spooky baby!
My shirt size is XS, if no Xs avalible I wear smalls as well!