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Level 1


I read a lot! Only a few books away from my goal of 50 books this year. Hoping to go over that goal. I am all about giving good advice and making others happy. I consider myself a stoic, but have times where I'm very emotional. I absolutely love hoodies. I think I own more hoodies than shoes. Black is typically my style. I have magenta hair. I have a interest in the outdoors, camping and I have a 47 year old Jeep. I have tattoos. I have artistic ADHD. I have tried many things and love learning new ways to let myself zone out during a project. I've recently really gotten into cooking. I live with an elderly grandparent that is my last living Grandpa. I enjoy hearing all of his stories, even it's for the third or fourth time. I'm hoping to go back to community college next Spring. I feel like I need something to occupy my time so that it isn't wasted on social media. Plus I feel like I'm losing my "smarts" with old age. I have a rescue dog that's my whole world, but she truly rescued me.

Sorry for being all over the place!