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Completely blown away…

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BockpackApr 10, 2023

I cannot begin to describe how overwhelmed I am by the generosity of spirit I was shown by my Santa…s/he went so far beyond the stated goals of the exchange, I was simply elated and humbled, all in the same breath. Santa took into account not only what I requested, but researched my likes and HANDCRAFTED a quill pen (shown) from Santa’s own pet Muscovy duck, along with creating the stunning card shown here on post-consumer recycled paper…but ohhh wait, there is still more to come. The colors used reflect my favorite colors of ink, because Santa read how I enjoy fountain pens and calligraphy, hence the stunning gift…but oh, did I say I was done? No, no, no…Santa ALSO read how I love wax seals, and…WAIT FOR IT…decided to HANDCRAFT A PERSONAL SEAL. Yes, you read that correctly. It is not shown here (yet) because I am ALREADY USING IT, and It. Is. STUNNING. Santa was also so kind as to send me a website giving me detailed instructions on how I can create my own sealing wax…! And if all that was not already enough, the letter enclosed was something to treasure forever…somewhere, I have a friend I haven’t even met yet, how can this BE?! For someone that so often feels like the last of its kind (or at least a rare bird, a dodo certainly comes to mind…) the words are as valued as the items, and the items are priceless. The amount of time and effort spent have left me transported, feeling BETTER than a child on Christmas morning. I kid you not. No bike, electronic game, piece of clothing, or ANYTHING ever made me feel so cherished as this gift did, because this was a true gift from the heart. Thank you, Santa, for giving me not “stuff,” but joy.


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