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Holy giftasaurus!

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TrishDoesTriviaApr 10, 2023

Thank you so much Santa! You made a 5 year old's birthday extra special! He asked if you would come to his birthday party next year too.

As you can see he immediately broke out the dinosaur playset and the dino go-karts, and was naming all of them, and telling us facts about them (I had never even HEARD of a Therizinosaurus!) and he told me that he was going to hold off building his Lego kits for next weekend when his cousins come to visit so he can show them off. He has been eyeing that fossil skeleton kit for months, and when he opened the box he stared at me accusingly and said "You told me the real Santa only comes on Christmas-- well how did this Santa know what I wanted??" Busted, secret santa-- I told him maybe you have a little magic too.


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