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A Whimsical Mix!

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EmpyrealOwlOct 20, 2023

I asked in my notes if my Gifter was up for the challenge of just using my profile, likes/dislikes, and previous exchanges, and to send me a message if they needed extra info.

Without the extra help from me, I was sent a bag of coffee that I’ve been enjoying much, a book that I’d never heard of yet sounds good, and some snail mail! In that, I got a super cool postcard from a shut down amusement park in Wichita, Kansas, a sticker, two Wichita postcards, some pamphlets from Bohemia Healing Spa (and a voucher), and Palo Santo smudge sticks.

If I ever make it up to Wichita, I’ll be sure to add the spa to my list of things to check out.

<3 Thank you lots, Whimsical Gifter; this is a neat mix of things and I appreciate them! The coffee is getting gone fast lol and I’m looking forward to reading Risuko, and to smudging my home for the first time! <3


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